In pragmatics, the origo is the reference point on which deictic relationships are based. In most deictic systems, the origo identifies with the current speaker (or some property thereof). … This word also occurs in the term phrase fons et origo, meaning “source and origin” (fons, “source”, et, “and”, “even”).

You wouldn’t guess it by looking at our games but Origo Games operates in Baltimore, Maryland, a city filled with rich history and the historical inner harbor.
Going back to our origins, we have been established in Shanghai, China working with AAA studios and developing for titles all around the world.

With operating roots in Asia, our third home remains in Tokyo, Japan. A beautiful city with rich culture, history, and filled with secrets to be uncovered and left untouched.
ORiGO GAMES (OR1GO) was founded in 2010 and comprises of a small team of industry veterans with over 40 years of combined production and marketing experience. ORiGO assists game developers from around the world in building better products to reach larger audiences so they can focus on what they do best – making great games.
OR1GO works with you as an extension of your own company, providing support on development and branding as well as marketing and launching your product. We offer publishing for all major platforms.

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